
  • Shame, Shame, Shame

    Shame, Shame, Shame

    You won’t hear me bashing shame altogether. On the contrary, I think our society would greatly benefit from a healthy dose of it! We would have fewer problems in the highly visible sins area, like drunkenness and deadbeat parenting, if people were free to be shamed without feeling ashamed of proper shame. However, like all…

  • All We Can Do Is Pray…

    All We Can Do Is Pray…

    Recently, I heard someone sigh and say, “All you can do is pray.” We do that so often, as if that is equivalent to giving up. It made me think of the paralytic that was carried to Jesus. We don’t even know if he wanted to go! It didn’t matter. His friends picked him up,…

  • A God Who Cares

    A God Who Cares

    Casting all your cares on Him; for He careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7 While reading through 1 Peter recently, the word “for” in this verse hit me in a new way. Yes, it means that God both cares about us and takes care of us, but it also means that God does our caring…

  • Serving a Poor God

    Serving a Poor God

    We all go through seasons in our lives. Lately, I have been in a season of praying little prayers. I have been hedging my prayers carefully with qualifiers and minimizers. I’ve been hesitant to over-ask, especially for myself. Sunday morning, my pastor mentioned that some people don’t trust God for salvation, relying instead on their…