
Laughing in All the Wrong Places

About Me

Bios about yourself are some of the hardest things to write–especially for a site like this. I have no idea who is reading this right now, so I don’t known what you would like to know. Do you want to know why I started this? Who I am? That I played the pennywhistle in high school but that is not the reason I had no friends?

I am created by God the Father, ransomed by Jesus the Son, and taught by the Holy Spirit. If I were to try to even begin telling you how God has worked in me, I would run out of room! He is Truth, Light, Love, and Holiness. He is good, with no badness or meanness in Him. I love Him because He first loved me.

I believe that the Bible is the fully inspired, perfectly preserved Word of God. God created everything, man’s sin cursed it, and Jesus redeems it. That changes the way I look at everything.

God has blessed me with six children that I care for on His behalf and three that He does all the caring for. Not to reinforce a stereotype, but we do homeschool. I have worked inside and outside of the home and currently spend most of my days at home with my precious charges. In my spare time, or rather, in the time I can steal a lucid moment in between the demands of a nursing almost toddler and teaching math, I am doing this and refreshing my IT skills to assist my husband with his business.